Ready To Learn What Meditation Can Do For You AND Your Biz?

  • Have you tried meditation in the past and figured it just doesn't work for you?

  • Are you tired of hearing about how incredibly impactful meditation and mindfulness has been for others and curious to see what it is all about?

  • Are you ready to learn how to meditate in a way that works for you, your busy schedule, and your personality?

  • Are you ready to learn HOW meditation could be the answer to many of your business challenges

In this course you will learn:

    1. Why meditation hasn't worked for you: What is meditation and the most common misconceptions

    1. The different types of meditation, let's find you a style that fits your personality

    1. The HOW behind meditation, watching your thoughts and getting off autopilot

    1. The WHY behind meditation, mastering your thoughts and the meaning you give them

    1. The different phases of meditation and let's meditate together

    1. Open Awareness Meditation 101

    2. Focused Breathing Meditation 101